A collection of seasonal songs and carols arranged for voices in harmony.
Sixteen pieces, including two versions of Chariots - the original in five parts and a simpler version in three - with original compositions, new tunes to old words, old tunes with new words, and three Christmas rounds.
A brand new CD of songs relating to Midwinter and Christmas, half featuring JK solo, and half enhanced with massive harmonies from The Bishop’s Castle Carollers. Glorious seasonal fare, with just one toe-tapping instrumental track.
Special books, John Kirkpatrick, 2014 South West Shropshire Historical and Archaeological Society, SWSHAS Extract
Temporarily out of stock
Reprint of an article by JK in the South West Shropshire Historical and Archaeological Society's Journal, Volume 25, 2014. 16 page A 5 booklet telling the history of discovering Folk Songs in the county, with several photos and illustrations. No words or music, but it tells you where to find them.
Over 70 tunes that John plays, transcribed by Gary Coover onto the 30 button Anglo in C and G. Musical notation supported by fingering charts, tablature, discography, biography, and a load of other information, with John’s articles on How To Play The Anglo from the 1970’s and a few other words of wisdom from the man himself.
Hand crafted pewter badge with a pin, made by Chameleon Arts to a design by Dave Armitage from the 1970s, based on an original idea by JK. Approximate diameter 1 1/5th inches, or 3 centimetres, comes in a jewellery box 2 inches by 2 inches by 1 inch.
The book of the suite of new dances and tunes devised for the village of Llandinam, Powys, by John Kirkpatrick and Karen Tweed. Commissioned and published by TASC in 2007. Fourteen Tunes, ten dances, with instructions and a rehearsal CD of the music, played by John and Karen, at the correct dance length.
A new CD with JK in buoyant mood - loads of songs and just two instrumental tracks. All noises made by Mr K, including some big choral backing vocals and wild outbursts of frenzied percussion.
JK joins a newly-regrouped Home Service band, taking over the lead vocal role and adding his inimitably masterful accordion.
The CD of John’s new show of Songs from the First and Second World Wars. Popular Songs from the time, and some parodies sung by the troops. JK’s four sons join him on some massive unison choruses.
A double dose of live recordings - CD + DVD - capturing the revitalised six-piece band on tour in April 2012. The two trumpets lead a glorious trawl through Brass Monkey's past catalogue, climaxing with the stunning new showstopper "The King's Hunt".
A whole CD devoted to the traditional folk music of Shropshire, where John has lived since 1973. Four instrumental tracks and eleven songs featuring voice and squeezebox, with some big harmonies on a few choruses provided by JK and Sally Kirkpatrick, and a beautiful sleeve design by David Suff.
The CD of John's new one-man village hall show - "The Victorian Farmer's Year in Song" - a selection of traditional songs celebrating the work on the farm and those who did it. Solo voice and squeezebox with some big chorus harmonies by JK and Sally Kirkpatrick, and two instrumental items.
Tunebook, The John Kirkpatrick Tunebook, 2010 Quarry House Publishing
In stock
Above the Bank
An Unexpected Pleasure
April Fool
As The Sun Was Setting
Beast of Burden
Beating The Oak
Benders in the Vestry
Black Jack
Black Stallion, The
Blossom Made of Fire
Boar Hunters, The
Bobby Shafto Gone Bonkers
Bread and Jam Waltzer
Bridget's Delight and Fancy
Broken Rifle, The
Burning The Water
Canon Fodder
Canone Cannelloni
Canonical Monocle, The
Charabanc Schottische, The
Chomping The Barley
Chuntering Charlie
Citroen Took Unleaded After All, The
Cocking The Chafer
Coconut Waltz
Dance of the Demon Daffodils, The
Dark Queen, The
Devil Among The Tailors, The
Duck Race, The
Dummy Head
Family of Foxes, The
Fifty-Five Thousand and Five
Find The Lady
Fishing on a Bicycle
Fits and Starts
Following The Banner
Footing The Bill
Fork Stuck Under The Door, The
Forty-Nine Thousand and Three
Four Lane End
Freda Chucked a Sock
Frolicking on the Prom
Fulham by Gaslight
Fulham Gasworks
Gas Almost Works, The
George's Fairground Waltz
Golden Cornpipe, The
Golden Greenery
Great Gusto
Green Man, The
Hafren Hornpipe and a Half, The
Haggling The Toss
Hammersmith Flyover, The
Harry Tuffin's Musical Ride
Hauling Down The Line
Henceforward Lover, The
Horse Goddess, The
Hunting the Deer
Jamieson's Farewell
Jubilee Clip, The
Jump At The Sun
Kerlebbeddy's Hat-Trick
King's Sadness, The
Knucklebone Jenny
Laird of Dunlour, The
Leaping Jack
Living in Sin
March Hare Mazurka, The
Mazurka Berserker
Ménage à Trois
Mob-Cap and Patchwork
Mr Gubbins' Bicycle
Mrs Fox Dances
Nodrog's Woofing Waltz
Nutcrackers and The Sugartongs, The
Olive Branch, The
Oliver Twist
On Pulling Down the Rail of Parky's Shower Curtain
On The War Path
One Armed Bandit, The
Palindrome Polka, The
Pepper In The Brandy
Petal of Spice
Picking of Sticks
Pickpocket's Mazurka, The
Pig on a Tricycle, The
Pig-Swill Quadrille, The
Pineapple Patch, The
Pleasure Gardens Polka, The
Puddleglum's Misery
Putney Reach
Queen of Hearts, The
Raddled Tup, The
Ragged Robin Rag
Rant of The Rushing River
Rat-a-Tat Polka, The
Rosy Cheeks and Purple Bloomers
Round-Bottomed Wok, The
Saucy Sue
Scraping The Mould Off The Marmalade
Seven-Coloured Linnet, The
Severn Up
Shreds and Patches
Singing Devil, The
Sleazy-Beat Three-Step, The
Sleeping King, The
Slippery Toast
So There I Was
Source of The Thames, The
St Llonio's March
Sweet and Lovely
Swirling Serpent, The
Swn-y-Coed Waltz
This Way Up
Three Piece Suite
Three Shepherds, The
Three Speed Plough, The
Threepenny Ha'penny Treacle
Top Sawyer's Tripling Tensome
Tripping to the Quintles
Tristan and Iseult
Tristan's Wedding
Trout in the Crown, The
Tun Dish, The
Tuppenny Two-Step, The
Uncle Jeremy's Winking Rabbit
Waterddy Lane
Welsh Fisherwoman, The
Windfall Polka, The
Wizard in the Mist, The
Wriggley Tin Tattoo, The
NOW REDUCED FROM £13.00 TO JUST £10.00! Over 130 original compositions (plus a handful of tantalising “Additives”) suitable for all melody instruments, grouped according to tune type, and with chords throughout, plus a Discography and Index. 80 pages in A4 size, with a staple binding and heavy coated paper to fold flat for easy use.
A solo instrumental CD consisting entirely of tunes composed by the artist, and performed on the full range of push-pull squeezeboxes. A shameless advert for the JK Tunebook due to be published soon.
CD, Brass Monkey, 2009 Topic Records, TSCD 575
Not currently available
The Moldavian Schottische / The Snowdrop Polka
The Press Gang
The Barbados Lady
Lichfield Tattoo / The Radstock Jig / The Quickstep from “The Battle of Prague”
The Trees They Do Grow High
Banbury Bill / The Old Woman Tossed Up In A Blanket / The Beaux of London City / Hunt the Squirrel
Bold Archer / Dearest Dicky
The Red Lion Hornpipe / Peckett’s Hornpipe / The Welch Hornpipe
The Loss of The Ramilles
Nelson, The Fallen Hero / The Death of Nelson
A new selection of traditional English songs and tunes, with JK, Martin Carthy, Martin Brinsford, Roger Williams, and introducing new trumpeter Paul Archibald.
A new selection of traditional and self-penned songs and carols connected with Christmas and mid-winter, with a few choruses in full harmony supplied by the artiste and Sally Kirkpatrick. Otherwise solo voice and squeezebox on fifteen joyfully seasonal tracks, including two instrumental items.
A second helping of Shropshire Morris Dance Tunes from the repertoire of The Shropshire Bedlams and Martha Rhoden's Tuppenny Dish. Solo performances on one-row and two-row melodeons and anglo concertina, with a little bit of studio trickery sneaked in. The follow-up to "Sheepskins".
An equal number of songs and instrumentals, traditional and self-composed, many of them duets with other musicians, featuring contributions from James Fagan & Nancy Kerr, Alistair Anderson, Bob Johnson, Kevin Dempsey, Dave Swarbrick, Richard Thompson, Martin Carthy, Ray Fisher, and Hijaz Mustapha.
CD, Brass Monkey, 2001 Topic Records, TSCD 531
Not currently available
Put The Road In Order
The Doffing Mistress
The Cornish Quickstep / The Pleasure Gardens Polka
The Pigeon On The Gate / The Primrose Lass
Heather Down The Moor
The Holborne Suite – The Fruit of Love / The Choise / The Honie-Suckle
A Maiden Sat A-weeping
Gathering Peascods / The Rose Tree / Jerusalem
The Crockery Ware
Four Bacup Tunes
Going and Staying
A new recording of mainly traditional material, with JK, Martin Carthy, Martin Brinsford, Howard Evans, and BOTH trombonists – Richard Cheetham and Roger Williams. Some massive brass arrangements.
The John Kirkpatrick Songbook
48 original songs plus one monologue - words, melodies, chords, notes on the songs, a biography, and a discography. 118 pages in A4 size with a spiral binding.
DVD, John Kirkpatrick, 2006 Mrs Casey Records, MCRDVD 6002
Temporarily out of stock
Double DVD box
PAL format only
Originally published as a series of three tutorial videos, this has now been repackaged into a single box with two DVDs. The programme gives you a complete one-to-one lesson, starting from absolute scratch and ending up out beyond Mars! No musical notation, no complicated tablatures, and no impossible diagrams – this is teaching by ear and by sight, using, for the first time on a tuition video, traditional English tunes and songs.
Keeping the running order of the three videos - with over forty sections in all, split into equal parts over the two discs and directly accessible from the main menus - the DVD format allows for further precisely timed sub-sections and clearly labelled titles as each new tune is introduced.
NB: Available only in PAL format. The disc will play on PAL format DVD players/TVs in the UK and Europe, but not normally on NTSC format systems in the USA, Canada or Japan. It should, however, play on any computer system wherever you live.
The original descriptions were as follows:
VOLUME 1, MCRV 9991, 1999
What a melodeon is, where the notes are, getting the two sides playing together, all the basic dance rhythms, a long look at dynamics and ornamentation, and a thorough exploration of the possibilities of sticking to one row. 82 minutes.
VOLUME 2, MCRV 9992, 1999
Secrets Revealed – discovering the wider musical potential of the two-row melodeon – playing three or more chords, looking at minor scales and modes, changing key, crossing the rows, and making full use of the basses. 60 minutes.
VOLUME 3, MCRV 1004, 2001
The Masterclass – How to achieve clarity at speed, and a long look at chords on the right hand, both as accompaniment and as rhythmic stabs under a tune, with advice on how to get the fullest effects in minor keys, and hint at chords that aren’t there. 56 minutes.
Prices and Ordering
Prices are in UK pounds. Post & packing to the UK for
CDs and DVDs is £4.00 for one item, add £3.00 for each additional item.
The Tune Book is £5.00 per item.
Outside the UK, CDs and DVDs are £6.00 for one item plus £3.00 for each additional item and the Tune Book is £15.00 . Postage
is added automatically when you order online.
You can pay by credit or debit card at Paypal without signing up. If you wish to pay by cheque, please
print off the order form and post it to us with your cheque.
Sorry we no longer accept card payments except via Paypal.
Download the order form
Sterling cheques only, please, payable to "Squeezer".
Don't forget to include your name and address!
7 Drews Leasow
Bishop's Castle