


22 Jun 2015:  IT'S OUT! YOU CAN BUY THE NEW CD NOW!!!!!
"TUNES FROM THE TRENCHES" is now available to buy from the SHOP. The official release date is not until September 18th, so here is a unique chance to get in early, dazzle your friends, and amaze your loved ones, by being three months ahead of the game!

The "TUNES FROM THE TRENCHES" CD should be available in a couple of weeks. The catalogue number is FLED 3099. Track listing:

1. Pack Up Your Troubles In Your Old Kit Bag /
It’s a Long, long Way to Tipperary
2. The Squaddie in London
3. Old Joe Mills
4. Lloyd George’s Beer
5. Cleanin’ My Rifle (and Dreamin’ of You)
6. The Thing-Ummy-Bob (That’s Going To Win The War)
7. Here’s To The Mums and Dads
8. I Didn’t Raise My Boy To Be A Soldier
9. Down Forget-Me-Not Lane /
They Can’t Black Out The Moon /
When They Sound The Last All Clear
10. Run, Rabbit, Run
11. Would You Rather Be A Colonel? /
Sister Susie’s Sewing Shirts For Soldiers
12. Wish Me Luck As You Wave Me Goodbye /
(We’re Gonna Hang Out) The Washing on The Siegfried Line /
Kiss Me Goodnight, Sergeant Major /
Bugle Call – “Rouse” /
Browned Off
13. Never Mind The Food Controller
14. The Dying Soldier
15. Keep The Home Fires Burning /
The Last Long Mile

11 May 2015:  "TUNES FROM THE TRENCHES" - New CD Coming Soon!
The new solo show of songs from the First and Second World Wars is now well under way, and if you have a quick look at the "Forthcoming Gigs" section, you'll discover where you can see it. It's a sensational visual feast, in glorious period costume, with a dazzling array of hats. Not to be missed!

After considerable delays, the CD of the show has now been finished, and should be out on the Fledg'ling label by the early summer. John is joined on several tracks by the massed choir of his four sons, representing the might of the British Army on the march.

Watch this space for more details of the release date.

16 Jan 2015:  PICKING UP THE THREADS.......
As many of you will know, my wife, Sally, died very suddenly and unexpectedly in November, from complications following an operation. As well as being my soul mate and the love of my life, she was a massive support to me in my work, and the thought of resuming gigging again without her by my side is incredibly daunting. Nevertheless, that can be the only plan, and I start again in February. Please be gentle with me!

I have been utterly overwhelmed at the vast number of messages I've received, offering love, support, and sympathy. I haven't been able to reply to each one individually, but thank you to everybody who got in touch. It's wonderful to know that so many of you have such happy memories of Sally. A few people have complained that buying a John Kirkpatrick CD will never be the same again now, without her cheerful presence behind the merchandise table. She is greatly missed.